[all of…this]

RE: MU Peeves Thread
@Babs said in MU Peeves Thread:
I’m think I’m one of the odd ducks that can be just as in the moment with an async when its my turn to pose as a live one.
it doesn’t make you an odd duck, lol, and async can be just as organic and vivacious as live rp. it’s 1000% a subjective personal preference thing.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
@helvetica said in MU Peeves Thread:
Sad for the staffer who had to write that superheroes don’t lactate. No matter what the story behind that ruling was, sad for them.
my year was distinctly lacking in absolutely hilarious sentences like this and I just want to thank this hobby from the bottom of my heart for finally delivering the content I crave, 10/10
RE: Celebrities We Lost 2024
I am legitimately crying, Dragon Ball was the first truly generational thing my son and I loved. what a magnificent dude.
RE: Stupid Memes
how am I both completely blown away and yet not surprised at all by this information
RE: Good things in Mushing
I loved RPing smokers but fuckin’ hated smoking cigarettes the few times I gave them a try as an adult, so I was genuinely baffled the entire time even as I had fun with it.
truly, we are a diverse lot, lol.
RE: The Arx Secrets Thread
@kalakh said in The Arx Secrets Thread:
His gambit to become a god was more or less “I am actually the biggest deal, bam Destiny is alive again and does what I want”, which is insane, but is also how magic works.
…so the real key all along to winning Arx actually was to cultivate, in MU*ing terms, serious Main Character Syndrome?
jk, jk
RE: MU Peeves Thread
@SpaceKhomeini @Testament we can live…WE CAN BOTH LIVE
lmao. ahhh good times. it’s such beautiful schlock
and yeah @glitch that’s what I was thinking of!! not dieselpunk actually I guess but like, it wouldn’t be that hard to make it fit I don’t think.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
@Aria said in MU Peeves Thread:
Sorry, @Wizz , but I do not know what Robot Jox is.
pure 80’s cheeseball flick that I love dearly. it was like the first American mecha, lol.
…also, not for nothing but I swear Cthulhu-dieselpunk with mechs and robots and stuff powered by occultism is already a thing? it rings a huge bell for me anyway, might be worth diving into DrivethruRPG for it if it really is appealing!
RE: MU Peeves Thread
@Aria said in MU Peeves Thread:
deranged dystopian mecha gladiator game
omg is it Robot Jox? pls tell me it’s Robot Jox
RE: City of Glass - Discussion
@hellfrog said in City of Glass - Discussion:
not to say i didn’t scream internally and externally when trying to actually USE my sheet.
thiiiis. I love Mage’s setting and themes to death and have been reeeaaally tempted, even started making a bit, but every time I look at the improvised spell chart in the books I want to start hooting and screeching like a baboon
RE: The Arx Secrets Thread
@Rinel said in The Arx Secrets Thread:
@Babs said in The Arx Secrets Thread:
@peasoup said in The Arx Secrets Thread:
I stopped poking at it because everyone told her not to
Maybe this was already a thing and I just missed it but I feel like secrets needed a big disclaimer telling you to ignore other players when they told you this.
I think it got better later on, but there was definitely a group of us who unfortunately misunderstood that extremely reasonable IC advice as OOC advice.
I mean, it was often a ton of OOC pressure as well as IC pressure from some corners unfortunately. some people would absolutely insist that you not only not poke at a thing but also never ever get anyone else involved, and they’d say it was all about your character’s safety but like…a lot of the time it pretty honestly felt like they just didn’t want anyone else to have something cool or share the cool thing they themselves had access to, frankly.
but whattaya gonna do, there are toxic players in every game really.
RE: Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent
the documentary I participated in finally has its first Coming Soon teaser clip up on Netflix and to say my anxiety and relief are both through the roof is understating it. they’re in like goddamn orbit somewhere.
RE: Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent
@Cobalt said in Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent:
That she saw people who were supposed to be housebound but would be out going on vacations and stuff.
omg, how dare someone on disability ever enjoy life for a few days, the nerve
that mentality is so goddamn prevalent and exhausting here.
RE: The Arx Secrets Thread
@Tez said in The Arx Secrets Thread:
A good example of how things that could sound fun can fall apart on contact with players.
I’m curious to hear more secrets that just Didn’t Work, for reasons that weren’t just like “oh well everyone involved idled out years ago.” I remember a few people vaguely griping about them in the old Arx thread on MSB back in the day and would find it really interesting to hear the full details about what made them so challenging when it came to actual play versus the intent when they were written.
RE: The Arx Secrets Thread
I guess one PC I actually can go into detail about that was pretty fun was Thomas, since he was my OC.
he was the younger brother of the very dead Marquis of Hawkmour, who had supposedly been assassinated by shavs but in reality had been killed by agents of Marcus and Malar. Thomas came to Arx seeking vengeance, became the House Sword, and after he learned the truth he quickly got involved with the Scales. Ironically, he was also the reincarnate of the captain of the guard of a nation that had been burninated by Cardia when they wiped out most of the Metallic Order, and had pretty vivid memories of dying horribly alongside another PC, who he was soul-bonded to (or they were soul twins or whatever? can’t remember exactly how that all worked), who just happened to be another agent of Marcus. good times!!
Thomas was a godawful spy and shenanigans ensued, but ultimately he wanted to be there when Marcus died. he also had managed to locate where Cardia was keeping Brass’s sword and deeply felt obligated to recover it for his family, even though basically everyone in his life told him how terrible and dangerous an idea that was.
unfortunately things got pretty hard for me in RL and I fell off the face of the earth, but I still look back on his story and the people involved with fondness, and I like to imagine it would have had a pretty epic conclusion.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
@Tez said in MU Peeves Thread:
I had to make fucking notes. It does not come naturally to me. I am SO transactional. It was eye-opening for me.
there was a lot about my last Real Job that was complicated and nooot great, but man oh man, a lot of it involved working with people in New York and I loved it so much. it was like a breath of fresh air I didn’t even know I needed that badly. I don’t know how exactly this came to be since I was raised mostly in the Midwest and the South where relational is basically mandatory, looool