The version of WoT I want isn’t an L&L game but idk what other people would want.

RE: Lords and Ladies Game Design
RE: Lords and Ladies Game Design
@Pyrephox said in Lords and Ladies Game Design:
- If your game relies on themes (like, say, conflict between factions or internal societal tensions) then you should not rely on PCs to enforce those as leaders. Most players won’t enforce theme, and the ones who do often end up burning out and miserable because they’re thrust in a position of “fun police” that isn’t actually very fun (ask me how I know).
On top of it not being fun, it’s also how a lot of theme drift happens, or how an environment can grow OOCly toxic. When you off-load theme enforcement to players, the people who are Loud and Around end up doing it. Sometimes those are people who are actually helpful, a lot of times they’re not.
RE: Staff and playable pcs
I’m not sure I have an opinion on whether staff should disclose their alts on any kind of ‘this is good/bad for the game’ basis. I mostly think there’s no point in this kind of secrecy. People will find out, you better believe they will talk about it, so why not be upfront about it? Feels like it just saves time/drama.
RE: Staff and playable pcs
@chorus said in Staff and playable pcs:
A: What staffer in their right mind is going to want to ONLY “work” on a game, rather than play it?
They exist, but in my experience a lot of them treat their NPCs like PCs, which becomes it’s own special problem and I’d rather just have a clear staff-alt at that point.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
I’m having a Rough Time with the amount of obvious, unedited ChatGPT garbage out there in our corner of the roleplaying world.
RE: Blocking Players
Same, this is ultimately why Discord blocking drives me nuts. It doesn’t help to see a thousand notifications about a person I’m putting myself in a little mental time-out to not want to punch in the goddamn face. Just erasing them from channel history would be pretty sweet, though. -
RE: Consensus on Roster vs OC vs Mix
Whether I want to play a roster varies - as one would expect - from game to game and how they’re being used. I used to only want to play my super special creations, but I’ve picked up some I’ve quite enjoyed and increasingly think they’re an important option for various reasons (quick entry into a game, one avenue of theme enforcement, and so on).
I’d never play whatever the ‘you don’t have access to staff events’ character is, whatever it was, which seems like a separate question to which the answer is mostly ‘no.’
RE: Liberation MUSH
Mainly bumping this because I got a ‘this topic is quite old’ when I went to reply, but LOL this is one of the games Polk unplugged.
Memories, they are made to this.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
It’s like in a social hobby somebody needs to expend the social energy to make stuff happen, or it…doesn’t.
RE: why is nobody talking about Veilguard
I also liked Wynne! If you don’t play a mage she’s an extremely efficient healer/support.
Someday I’ll play Veilguard. Probably in like 2 years, given my schedule of games.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
We only really know how Jill behaves on MUSH game channels/pages. It’s entirely possible they do their schtick in RPI environments that never register here.
That said, the Legend of Jill has been around long enough and widely circulated enough that I assume there are a lot of Jill copycats. Legacy, etc.
RE: Inuki Ban Thread
@GF said in Inuki Ban Thread:
@Third-Eye I mostly disagree about creating a rule regarding mentions of suicide and bans. Suicide is a health problem, and health problems can’t be treated as having a “one size fits all” solution. A rule that anyone who mentions suicide in this or that context may help people who need to take a step back, but it may also harm people who are genuinely reaching out to a group of friends or a community they feel safe mentioning their problems to.
FWIW I don’t think any kind of ‘rule’ is really the issue here and I don’t think Meg did, either. I’d rather mods just handle this stuff on a case-by-case basis, that toss-off remark at the end was more ‘Well if a lack of specific language is the problem, okey-dokey’. But I don’t actually think that’s what this is about. I read what Inuki wrote and, apart from a visceral and I will admit unkind reaction that is neither here nor there, I didn’t think there was ever going to be a way to engage with that person in this space about their game stuff again. That’s not the reaction other people had, if the decision had been a temp ban or clear talking-to by the mods I might’ve disagreed like some people in this thread disagree with what did happen, but I would’ve understood it.
RE: Inuki Ban Thread
Here’s my take and why was relieved to see this ban come down.
I don’t care what Inuki has done on games. But she sure keeps doing things on games that get talked about in forums like this and that will likely continue to be.
I think dropping something like ‘I see why people want to commit suicide when people say mean things about them online’ (…sourced things and screenshots that were specifically about stuff she did on a game, they didn’t read like personal attacks to me) is a nuclear bomb on a conversation. There is no response to it a decent person can make. You either take it at face value and stop saying…sourced things regarding what a person has done that are relevant and ongoing and what the forum is pretty much designed to air…or don’t, suggest it might be a manipulation tactic designed to nuke a conversation. Except you can’t do that, really, I don’t think, because the 1% chance something like that might be genuine is too disturbing to to give my oxygen to. I don’t feel like there’s a place to go from here.
FWIW a rule about ‘you’ll be given a ban for your own good and the good of other posters if you say a post has made you have suicidal thoughts’ is umm fine.
RE: Inuki Ban Thread
At the very least and most sympathetic, to me it’s an indication an environment is exacerbating someone’s issues and they are best removed from it.
It’s not my job to publicly engage in the least sympathetic reading of a person I don’t know and have never interacted with on a game. Prosper in their lands, etc.
RE: Inuki Ban Thread
Thanks. That was deeply gross. I hope that person finds their better self away from this space. May they prosper in their lands etc.
RE: Numetal/Retromux
Un-asked-for reminder that you can report posts, it is sure a function I am utilizing at this moment in space and time.
RE: Celebrities We Lost 2024
And I’ve just got to wonder what my Daddy would’ve done
If he’d seen the way they turned his dream around
I’ve got to go by what he told me, try to tell the truth
And stand your ground
RE: Numetal/Retromux
@Taika said in Numetal/Retromux:
JuJubeJD + Polk. Polk pulled the plug on them a while back when they got in a fight. Interesting it’s still up.
I realize the answer to this is ‘because coder’ but my god how does this guy keep getting the ability to unplug games?