In case you’re sick of those warm cuddly pets, here’s Nemo

RE: Pets!
RE: Good things in Mushing
I have had a full fantastic day of solid RP, like just wall to wall super enjoyable character development and relationship building and it’s not even over yet.
I honestly thought that kind of gaming experience was gone for me and I’m so glad it’s not.
RE: Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent
Hello friends.
My mom is in the final stages of dementia, which means she spent the last week and a half in the hospital with a respiratory infection and I spent a lot of time with her because she can’t be left alone, along with working full time and being a mom and feeling like I’m failing everyone across the board. She has recovered enough to come home today but it’s very very likely it’ll happen again soon (it’s already happened once before this).
On top of this I am still trying to shake getting COVID last month. On top on TOP of this, I haven’t been able to get my antidepressants refilled until Wednesday. I really loathe saying I’m not okay but I’m not okay right now. I have a very strong support system, but the bench is shallow and only a little less worn out than I am.
I think I can keep from going apeshit on anyone for the next 48 hours but just in case the brain weasels win, go easy on me, ‘k?
RE: Pets!
I think this is after I told him he wasn’t allowed to eat the cat.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
When a game I want to love just makes me feel tired and empty inside.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
I don’t feel like playing any more and I can’t really identify why. Just waiting to see if it passes.
RE: Good things in Mushing
When you’re not at all sure that something you worked really hard on is going to land well…and it lands really fucking well.
RE: Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent
My mom’s dementia has gotten severe enough that she was put into hospice care last week. I’m doing okay, I don’t really want to talk about it but if you notice I’m scare, well, that’s why.
RE: Hellfrog never got banned :)
I think it’s hilarious that EVERYONE THERE IS NOW IN A CLIQUE and no one has noticed.
Suspected Superhero Creeping Or Something
From our sister site MSB (
), specifically Runescryer:
Oh, look. It’s this jerk again…
No, not me; I’m an entirely different jerk. But I digress…
Looks like everyone’s favorite creeper might be back among us after a nice absence. No character names, since receipts are still being collected, and not naming the game while they do their own ongoing investigation.
Just a heads up that several people reviewing logs are having deja vu all over again and noticing behaviors and patterns matching DWOPP’s MO.
Love bombing and constant spending of “fake IC money” to be the most perfect dream come true guy ever. Paying for cars, clothing, college tuition
Super protective of his target females around other males. Willing to fight or create dissent to push other males away
Gaslights female players who dislike his IC advances as problematic IC and OOC
Again, not sharing character names yet and giving the game staff a chance to work things out internally. Think of this as the smoke detector going off; time to be aware and see if there is a fire.So, a general heads up to the community and to Staffers to be aware on their own games of a possible DWOPP return.
[Snackness here…I would add ‘weird obsession with impregnating your character’ as another warning sign.]
Mod Edit by @Pavel, changing title from DWOPP-spotting.
RE: Pets!
When it’s your life’s duty to guard mom from the outdoors but you’re just…so…sleepy…
RE: Bannings
@helvetica Perfectly normal thing to do at random for no reason at all and not at all sus af
My Etsy Shop
I hope it’s okay for me to post this…
If you’re wondering what I’ve been up to for the last few months (it’s okay if you weren’t) since I’m way too cool to play text-based games now (I kid, it’s stress), this is it. Crafts are my therapy and…well…I’m selling some now.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
When someone gets super pissy because your character didn’t react/act the way they wanted them to.
This hasn’t happened to me for a bit so stop checking amongst yourselves, I just suddenly remembered how much it sucks.
RE: Suspected Superhero Creeping Or Something
@Coin I will never, ever, ever regret alerting people to the possibility of internet predators. Ever.
RE: Suspected Superhero Creeping Or Something
@sao said in DWOPP-spotting:
P.S. literal laugh out loud at Macha getting banned for not leaving a thing alone when she’d been told to leave a thing alone
It’s like we’re revisiting our birth story!
RE: MU Peeves Thread
Why do people say they want to RP with me and then…not RP with me? This is mainly rhetorical but also, is it me? It’s okay if it’s me, I’d just like to know.
RE: Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent
Sincere thank you’s to everyone who reached out, responded, upvoted, etc. I really suck at admitting when I don’t got this, and it just…y’all are great. You helped me a lot.
I’m currently waiting for my seratonin reuptake to be inhibited (got my meds) and I got a timely reminder from my PCP that I suffer from chronic pain which we need to work on (one grows accustomed) so hopefully I’ll be feeling more like myself within a couple of days. Again, thank you. It means more than I can say.