@Third-Eye Telnet is just my first port of entry. I decided to start with it because it’s the first thing people ask about when it doesn’t exist.
Why? Because I could? Because originally it started as a project to show my server-based TS chops to future employers - and sort of took off from there. I’m a full-stack web developer by trade, so the web side is coming soon! I’ve laid down some of my foundational REST routes so far, and have a plan for the front-end, I just have to get there!
I’ve made a few systems for Evennia - the BBS and Jobs ports where a pain, but will be useful for me through multiple applications - as UrsaMU is still very much under alpha development, so I’ll be using something stable in the interim!. 
@Griatch Honestly? It taught me that I didn’t have to get super fancy about things. Seriously. It’s not at all a slight. Evennia isn’t overly engineered, and, is approachable when making customizations. It’s kept simple, and I really appreciate how pythonic the project is.
I’m also in love with just having your business logic to worry about. I’m not a fan of having to dig through my evenv to find it, but I could say the same about digging through a node_modules folder. 
The thing that really got me moving though, was the EJS. I silent screamed a little when going through the web side of things. Totally started reliving EJS nightmares. I could have made a custom skin for it, sure - but, the error reporting for EJS is horrible, at least was back when I didn’t have many other choices! 
Ultimately, when I deem this experiment successful? I’ll rewrite it in Golang, and harden it past a prototype MVP - at least that’s the plan!
@somasatori I was, yes! But! My wife and friends asked for WoD5, so I’m doing that first. I’m chomping at the bit to either do Cyberpunk, or MEKTON next, once I know things are stable.