Fuck this. I said I was out. I’m out. I’m not going to look at this anymore. I’m not going to change anyone’s mind. And that’s fine. I don’t owe you anything and you don’t owe me anything.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
RE: MU Peeves Thread
@bear_necessities your friend is a fucking gaslighter who was really weird to me elseMU to the point where being on the same game as them made me super anxious and I was doing my best to respect their boundaries and drove myself batty. I should have left on my own. That was on me. You were right to boot me. No quarrel there.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
I fucked up. I woke up after three hours of sleep after cleaning up after my incontinent husband who can’t breathe and I got a big mad about shit I thought I was over and I posted shit I shouldn’t have and then I got mad at myself and instead of walking away, I made shit worse. I screwed up and got embarrassed and lied to a dear friend and then he stuck his neck out for me and I felt awful and apologized almost instantly.
I’m sure just call this drama and excuses and it doesn’t fucking matter to me. I’m not going to start shit and challenge unfair or untrue assertions being made about me. I’m happy RPing slowly with a few chill friends and I have no desire to RP with folks who don’t want me around. I made this new handle to make a clean break and I fucked it up. Say what you want about me. Some of it is fair.
I am autistic. I talk too much and sometimes don’t know when to stop. I can be reactive. I get anxious and emotional and overexplain and when my brain isn’t working like it should, I don’t communicate well.
These board clearly aren’t a healthy thing for me, so I’m going to peace out. I know you folks don’t actually care. That’s fine. This is for @Testament and my relationship with him, not for anyone else.
RE: Suspected Superhero Creeping Or Something
@Lithium I’ve been booted from games for bullshit before. Sometimes deserved. Sometimes not. Maybe go have a nice little meal, jerk off, and watch some cartoons and stop digging your own grave. Or keep throwing a fit on multiple forums. You do you I guess.
RE: Suspected Superhero Creeping Or Something
@Lithium Or like you could let it go and just play somewhere else, dude.
RE: Suspected Superhero Creeping Or Something
@Lithium why are you doing this
RE: RL Peeves
@hellfrog So, so, so many antique stores have Nazi shit. It’s a huge problem. If I ever become wealthy, I kind of want to buy as much of it as I can to keep it out of Nazi hands.
RE: RL Peeves
Man. Nothing worse than seeing cool stuff you want to buy at an antique store and then seeing they sell Nazi antiques and you have to walk out in disgust.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
@Third-Eye I apparently am full of piss and vinegar today and feeling the need to be weird. Blocked the dude, cleaned up my garbage, and I’m gonna go touch grass.
RE: Suspected Superhero Creeping Or Something
@Roz DWOPP has kind of become a “bad actor” catchall bogeyman. It’s easier for people to want to think there’s just one abusive asshole out there and if they just ban his IP, everyone is safe. Turns out there’s lots of people who do fuckery, and that’s scary.
RE: Suspected Superhero Creeping Or Something
@Coin why, when you’re doing such a good job yourself?
RE: Suspected Superhero Creeping Or Something
@Coin Everything I’ve ever seen and heard about and from you paints the picture of a petty, abusive narcissist edgelord.
RE: Suspected Superhero Creeping Or Something
@Coin Uh, the Elseverse headwiz is nothing like you’re making him out to be.
Also glass houses and all.
RE: Suspected Superhero Creeping Or Something
There’s some A+ level flouncing from the dude in question on the MSB thread.