I fucked up. I woke up after three hours of sleep after cleaning up after my incontinent husband who can’t breathe and I got a big mad about shit I thought I was over and I posted shit I shouldn’t have and then I got mad at myself and instead of walking away, I made shit worse. I screwed up and got embarrassed and lied to a dear friend and then he stuck his neck out for me and I felt awful and apologized almost instantly.
I’m sure just call this drama and excuses and it doesn’t fucking matter to me. I’m not going to start shit and challenge unfair or untrue assertions being made about me. I’m happy RPing slowly with a few chill friends and I have no desire to RP with folks who don’t want me around. I made this new handle to make a clean break and I fucked it up. Say what you want about me. Some of it is fair.
I am autistic. I talk too much and sometimes don’t know when to stop. I can be reactive. I get anxious and emotional and overexplain and when my brain isn’t working like it should, I don’t communicate well.
These board clearly aren’t a healthy thing for me, so I’m going to peace out. I know you folks don’t actually care. That’s fine. This is for @Testament and my relationship with him, not for anyone else.