Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo
Speaking of lame Manbro stuff. Can anyone confirm that Cujo “plays” Boba Fett?
Heavy emphasis on the air quotes.
@DarthSmegma He does. He also plays Wes Jansen.
@Jennkryst said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
You taunt the walker to distract them/lure them into the firing solution of the anti-armor weapons you already have set up. Sort of like… I dunno… Ewoks luring a walker in to get guerilla tactics’d to death.
Doesn’t sound like that’s what they did here, though. Shame.It definitely wasn’t. There were no anti-armor weapons set up and no firing solutions calculated. Also, doing that is a great way to have them turn you into a bloody smear on the ground with the first shot from their main gun.
It was just Aryn’s laziness when it comes to non-clique players at work. Clique does all the important stuff, so why read anybody else’s poses and react to them? It got to where she’d specifically delineate things that wouldn’t be allowed in her scenes.
Granted, if you skipped an Aryn event, you weren’t missing much. They were badly done, and if you’ve seen one, you’ve seen 'em all.
So ignore my earlier ‘maybe people have changed, it has been 20 years’. Apparently not. Same old shit, different decade.
@mietze said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
@Wizz reminds me a dude i knew who i could always spot on whatever mush he was on because he would clutter up pub and ooc poses about how manly he was, bronco busting, motorcycle riding, ex military who was also getting his phd and part of important think tanks. I mean, i suppose it could be true, but. Whenever someone needs to speak a little too much about how they need to go be a big strong dude and lift some bricks out of their big ass truck for their little wimminfolk I start meanly thinking that they’re just the type of person who gets mad if their partner doesn’t recognize their major contribution to the household caretaking of taking their plate to the sink, and who probably has one of those rubber scrotums tied on to their never been used hitch to their truck.
speaking of which, why in the hell aren’t there vulvas you can stick on your vehicle. I would so get one for my minivan.
I can’t tell if the I think the thing that depresses me the most about this post is
- I have a feeling I know exactly who you’re talking about
or - This could apply to more than one person I know of
- I have a feeling I know exactly who you’re talking about
@Anony-Mouse Yep. Only anti-armor weapons players can get are a pair of missile launchers that use Artillery, which is a barely used skill, or a six foot rifle you have to fire from a bipod.
The part about scenes that are nothing but fight scenes and the way those scenes were conducted sounds exactly like Fanty from SerenityMUSH (another DSS failfest, like AoA). Her scenes were rushed, no planning to speak of was allowed, only a hare-brained charge into the situation, whereupon everyone involved largely got shot full of holes and was stuck in the infirmary for days waiting for the ‘doctor bed’ healing device and a PC who could turn it on to become available (those same ‘doctor bed’ devices are strongly reminiscient of the bacta tanks on AoA, and are not the only code on AoA that sounds a lot more like SerenityMUSH).
The nom farming reminds me more of Inara, from the same trainwreck, but Fanty may have done some of this, too. It was a common thing among the worst of SerenityMUSH’s staff.
I have it on good authority that a lot of SerenityMUSH players and staffers flocked to AoA when Mal abandoned the game some years back, and the bulk of his abusive staff friends left with him. No sense hanging around if the gravy train’s left the station, I suppose.
@Warlander said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
I have it on good authority that a lot of SerenityMUSH players and staffers flocked to AoA when Mal abandoned the game some years back, and the bulk of his abusive staff friends left with him. No sense hanging around if the gravy train’s left the station, I suppose.
Oh there are stories I could tell from adminning there until early 2008. But remembering means getting over a lot of work to forget!
@SolarFlare said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
@Anony-Mouse Yep. Only anti-armor weapons players can get are a pair of missile launchers that use Artillery, which is a barely used skill…
Actually, that was yet another problem with AoA. Counting in all the languages and knowledge skills (AKA, the stuff you always needed but couldn’t afford because they didn’t help you stay alive), there were over 300 of them, all rated from 1 to 100. And use of them was pretty obscure, when it made any sense at all (not often). Like, having to have the Surveillance skill to look through a pair of macrobinoculars. Lacking it meant you couldn’t see a thing. And no, you couldn’t just roll Perception to look through them. You had the right skill or you had nothing.
Then there was languages, which made equally little sense. It also kept the numbers of species that could understand Basic but couldn’t speak it (like Wookiees) down, because virtually nobody took language skills. There were some translator droids that came and went with Cujo’s moods, but they didn’t solve the problem. Most species like that couldn’t communicate with everyone else, and players who played them either had friends who spoke their language or idled out. And the translating system was garbage: You had the language at 100 or you misunderstood at least one thing in every pose, usually the most important thing.
@Anony-Mouse said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
@SolarFlare said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
@Anony-Mouse Yep. Only anti-armor weapons players can get are a pair of missile launchers that use Artillery, which is a barely used skill…
Actually, that was yet another problem with AoA. Counting in all the languages and knowledge skills (AKA, the stuff you always needed but couldn’t afford because they didn’t help you stay alive), there were over 300 of them, all rated from 1 to 100. And use of them was pretty obscure, when it made any sense at all (not often). Like, having to have the Surveillance skill to look through a pair of macrobinoculars. Lacking it meant you couldn’t see a thing. And no, you couldn’t just roll Perception to look through them. You had the right skill or you had nothing.
Then there was languages, which made equally little sense. It also kept the numbers of species that could understand Basic but couldn’t speak it (like Wookiees) down, because virtually nobody took language skills. There were some translator droids that came and went with Cujo’s moods, but they didn’t solve the problem. Most species like that couldn’t communicate with everyone else, and players who played them either had friends who spoke their language or idled out. And the translating system was garbage: You had the language at 100 or you misunderstood at least one thing in every pose, usually the most important thing.
See also: weekly +paycheck also pulling percentages based on the skills, but the careers being in no way balanced. Some careers need 20 skills, but pay less than another that only needs 8?
Or maybe they finally fixed that.
@Jennkryst They didn’t.
@Narson I played there for roughly five years, which I still count among my biggest mistakes ever. The experience came very close to ruining Firefly/Serenity for me.
And a lot of things on AoA remind me of SerenityMUSH, including some of the coded objects (I believe Banshee used to be a coder on SerenityMUSH) and a lot of the staff behavior. Like Cujo, Mal was obsessed with remaining the biggest and most popular Firefly game out there, to the point of connecting regularly on all competing games and bringing along a handful of his favorite staffers, then roaming around the games in question generally being annoying and making sure it wasn’t getting bigger than his game. I think I recall seeing Mal connected under that name on a competing game, meaning he had created a playerbit and connected regularly enough that it didn’t idle out. I don’t know if they were attempting to lure other players to SerenityMUSH, but I could see them trying it, having seen staffers on other games trying such recruiting tactics on games they had quit, or on competitors to their own games. The whole thing was as creepy as it was annoying.
I have yet to personally hear about Cujo doing anything like this, but it wouldn’t surprise me in the least.
@Warlander Part of the coded item carry-over is a product of using DSS, but also the MUD mentality of trying to code the IC Knowledge divide… so ‘need skill to use binoculars’.
Avoiding this by realizing players can OOCly know things and pretend their characters don’t, it’s fine. Metagaming happens, just don’t be a dick about things.
@Warlander Yes Mal was always talking about other games. Also very absent. Lot of the code was Dahan stuff - a lot of it unfinished or beta stuff. The copy of Dahan’s econ code I think came from Beyond the Fire - I was initially brought into staff there to plug it in. I was still setting it up when Mal set it live. It never got balanced in the time I was there.
As someone who once Staffed on AOA (long, long ago), I am not surprised that harassers like this… person who I am honestly too lazy to scroll up and find his name again… are not removed from their position of power.
Considering that a current member of Staff has, in the past, set himself dark and sat in the same room I was TSing in, and I only figured it out because I have this obsessive habit of typing WHO and +WHERE on my Staff bit (no reason, just like, a habit) and saw him in the room. And I couldn’t really tell Cujo… because… it was Cujo.
There’s that.
Went back and forth with @Roadspike on this whole thing, whether or not I should say something. It was a while ago, but then I realized I was talking myself into excusing behavior that might persistent into the present.
And fuck that bullshit.
Is there a “Bad MU* Staff” bingo board because I feel like we must have hit at least three lines by this point.