At the risk of ignoring philosophical arguments, game theory, and various hypotheticals…
Until you no longer enjoy playing it. Only thing that matters.
At the risk of ignoring philosophical arguments, game theory, and various hypotheticals…
Until you no longer enjoy playing it. Only thing that matters.
4 years today.
If he were still around, he’d be posting here so I wanted to give him a presence on this board as well.
I’m just bemused at a self identified kind, compassionate queer community member tossing around ‘retard’ as an insult. Man, I hope she was lying. It’s embarrassing to be in the same community as someone like that.
You know, I had no problem at all with Derp being an admin when Gany first made him one.
Never let is be said that I can’t admit when I’m wrong but Derp has proven to me that I was oh so very, very wrong. I was so very wrong it’s used up all my potential wrongness for the rest of the decade so at least I’m guaranteed to be right for the next 7.5 years.
I’d like to ask all new posters start their posts with ‘I am not Macha’ just so we can keep track.
I can’t explain it. She got better. The day before the vet was scheduled to come, she started to improve. Began to drink, eat, was steadier on her feet. The next morning, she obviously wasn’t back to normal but I canceled the vet. Today, it’s like nothing was wrong. We both got a reprieve.
Submitted an application two adopt to little girls, sisters. They were rescued from a hoarding situation. The woman had 43 cats. One of them is so skittish and wouldn’t come near me but her sister, despite being wary, actually came over to me a few times for petting. I’m sure with her sister’s help, the other will calm down and learn the joy of cuddles in time.
I broke my self-promise about staying away from MSB because it seemed wrong to me that Kestrel should have to try to face those losers alone, but now she’s banned, so I’m not sure what point is left. Is anyone else over there in need of backup?
I’m good. And honestly, the more they talk, the more I feel the urge to randomize my password.
Sable showed up at the door one day and said she wanted a home. She was too thin, infested with bugs, and injured. She was also extremely affectionate. She got food, water, a box to hide in, and petting. She was still there the next morning (which was a Monday) so she went to the vet.
She got defleaed. her injuries treated, and given a physical. She wasn’t microchipped. She came home that day. No shelter or animal society had any all black, lost cat notifications so she found her home.
She’s a very smart girl since 6 weeks or so later she gave birth to a single kitten, being too malnourished to carry more to term. Or even show that she was pregnant. The vet had no idea either. She knew she needed a home to give birth to her baby so now I have Sable and Shadow, her little boy who’s twice her size.
Responsive staff, willing to acknowledge mistakes, and implement changes in response to feedback/complaints?
Just… damn.
When someone shows you who they are, believe them.
So, I’m putting this out here since it’s not been on the news despite it being a huge problem.
On 2/20, Change Healthcare got hacked by the Black Cat ransomware hackers. What is Change Healthcare? They’re the largest clearing house in the US. What’s a clearing house? They’re the middlemen between insurance companies and medical providers/hospitals.
Your doctors and hospitals send their insurance claims to the clearing house which sends them to the insurance companies. The insurance companies send the money to the clearing house which then sends it to the doctors and hospitals. The medical providers also send your prescriptions to the pharmacies which use the clearing house to validate them and file their insurance claims.
Pharmacies are starting to develop work around solutions but it’s made getting prescriptions filled difficult in many cases. Okay, inconvenient for everyone but only a disaster for some, right?
Wrong. The clearing house also has your medical information that is on the insurance claims. And Black Cat, who have claimed responsibility putting any doubt to rest, also has stated they stole 6 Tb of information. (That’s 6 million Mb so you don’t have to do the math.) So basically, anything that’s passed through Change Healthcare might now be in the hands of hackers.
Social Security numbers are not usually on insurance claim forms but your names, addresses, and insurance ID numbers definitely are. Be aware of this. It’s only been 8 days so far and no one has any idea what’s going to happen.
I mean, I get it, irrefutable evidence is a big claim, and this is the guy who argued you can’t hear things over the internet, but this is where he went first, in the middle of a dozen people who actually played on Arx remarking about the dude setting off creep meters. Other folks expressed interest in the details, because that’s natural, but derp’s the only one who immediately went to ‘but what if it’s fake’ about a banning on a game he doesn’t play and a situation he knew nothing about.
When all t his started with Gany, my initial reaction was ‘lawyers should never be staff’. I’ve since expanded that to judges, politicians, and maybe cops.
Just some random points.
People rarely complain to the person they have a problem with.
People don’t even complain to staff most of the time.
There’s a reason hearsay is not allowed to be used in court.
Macha was involved. Remember MSB.
There is no fifth point.
The only thing one needs to understand is that MSB = Macha Soapbox. Maybe not literally but in spirit and kindred.
There’s no better way to wake up than to have a cat purring against you. Even if it’s still dark out. And you could sleep for another hour. Or two.
ETA: this is the natural order of things:
Kitty is sleeping on my sleeve so I shall cut off my priceless piece of clothing.
I’ve never been called horrible and terrible. I’ve also never been accused of being part of a clique. I need to try harder.
For at least today, for one moment in time, there is justice in the world. This makes me happy.