Some of my students are scared. A LOT of my foster family friends are scared. My caseworker is stressed AF. The county has 54 foster families, and some of those are undocumented because they are kindship placements. Losing them would rock the system - oh, and they’re facing budget cuts.

RE: Unspeakables: The Politics Thread 2024
RE: Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent
I know it is hard and I respect people wanting privacy so much.
Kid walks in this morning crying. His father died over break, like, early break. It is true. Teacher is blindsided and has no idea what kind of supports are needed.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
I loved being an adult parent to adult children. Multiple people played Adalyn to Norwood and I enjoyed them all.
Mobile Mud Client
When I upgraded my phone my old reliable mud client - Mukluk, vanished! Can’t find it on the play store either. Tried searching for Blowtorch, but alas, it also was not there.
Anyone know of a solid mobile-friendly app or web-page that I can use to check in on my games, even if I can’t actively play? I still like my friends there!
RE: Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent
Child has informed me that my therapy is stupid, but hers is essential. I don’t need therapy because I’m an adult, and she does need it because she’s a kid.
RE: Real life happy
Celebrated the girl’s 8th birthday.
Also celebrated that we are officially her longest foster family.
She said recently that if she can’t go home to her mommy and daddy that she wouldn’t mind us adopting her.
RE: Real life happy
Foster girl and I had a screaming, yelling, name calling fight.
And she didn’t hit me or break anything.
I’m so freaking proud of her.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
Everyone is the best at everything. Everyone is the Boss. Now, Everyone has been kidnapped by aliens and placed in a simulated environment to see who would win in the battle of being the best.
What is YOUR skill??
RE: Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent
I would just embrace your occasional senior discount for longer than some of us get to claim it.
RE: Real life happy
Dealing with the courts and her bio family had really put a damper on my faith in humanity.
Between last night and her BFFs’ mom brushing her hair today (she won’t let me near it) my faith is beyond restored.
RE: Real life happy
Our foster daughter has some pretty extreme behaviors, and today she exploded pretty spectacularly. So we had to call off going TO a fireworks show because helping her regulate in a crowd of people is impossible.
We didn’t deprive her though and went outside to see what we could of the big shows. There were A LOT. She was screaming with joy and jumping in and down out of her mind with glee.
A few houses over a family was setting of some legal fireworks and so she asked if we could go watch. I agreed and we walked over to ask permission to watch.
This family just reached out and ENVELOPED my little girl in love. First offered a sparkler, then a whole box (“don’t let the fun end!”) Then s’mores, and finally they broke out extra chairs for all of us. Grandpa of neighbors teased her like mad. Just such amazing kindness I almost cried several times seeing the joy on this little girl’s face.
There are just good people.
(Also the dad was a smoker and little girl has had some bad experiences with smokers in the past, so it was really healthy of her to have a healthy one.)
RE: Pets!
I’m crossing my fingers for you!!! He looks like a DELIGHT!!!
RE: Pets!
I’m fairly sure the rescue I work with is one of the more unhinged ones. I swear they have added several new questions to the app, and every one has a story behind it.
We are considering a new one “Have you ever surrendered a cat due to medical needs?” Because we have a beautiful orange baby who was surrendered with half his face missing. He turned out to be FIV+, was not neutered, and we had to have his eye amputated on top of all the healing for the infection. Several thousand dollars went in and people donated specifically for his care. Now the owners who surrendered him are attempting to get him back.
I don’t think this question will make it, but this isn’t the first time a cat has come to us on death’s door, we’ve saved them, and then they try to get the cat back.
RE: Pets!
Part of my responsibilities at my shelter is to approve or deny adoptions for our cats. This could be after the initial application, or after their Google meets home visit.
I hhattteee having competing apps for cats, but over 50% of interviews fail so it is nice when at least one of them is good so they can still go home promptly. (Over 75% of the initial apps fail, seriously, it is crazy any make it. But with that said, in the 3 years I’ve been there we have only had 10 cats returned with ~100 cats going home each year. )
But the WORST is when they are both amazing and we have to choose. I hate having to tell someone “You are amazing and please come meet more cats and you can take them home that same day! But we have decided to go with another family for these particular cats.”
RE: MU Peeves Thread
I miss some of my characters like mad and get hit with random wants to play them.
Today I saw a clip from a show called Banshee that had the PERFECT look for Isi. I wish her story hadn’t been cut short in such a gross way.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
I’m afraid I also don’t read descs. I rely on systems that give me an overview, like +finger. I don’t know what “shorter than average” means to you, but I know what 5’3" means!
Narrator Banned
We don’t do transphobia or other aligned hate talk so… yes.
Edit: I care so little for his/her/their feelings I can’t get their name right.
RE: Real life happy
I gave my child chocolate milk and showed her the joys of blowing bubbles in the milk.
Why did our parents tell us not to blow bubbles? It is awesome!