Ares Handle Links
This came up in a different thread, but I didn’t think the response belonged there. So, just to clarify a few things about how characters are linked to Ares handles:
When you unlink a character or the game closes, it still shows up under the “Past Characters” section of your handle page. For example, on my page:
Game privacy factors in, so you can’t see current or past characters for a private game unless you also have a character there.
@Roz said:
I think you can request fully removing stuff from your handle, and Faraday may or may not oblige. I know at least one instance for sure where stuff was removed.
I removed a character link once for exceptional circumstances. It is not something routinely done.
I do occasionally get requests to rename a handle, and have struggled with the best way to deal with that.
My current policy is to have them make a new handle and then unlink/relink any current characters. This maintains a character connection between the handles. I have also moved over past characters to the new handle. It seemed preferable to have the history associated with the handle the player is actually using rather than the dead one. And frankly, someone trying to escape their past with a new name is unlikely to want to carry their past chars along.
That said, I can see the value in having a record when something like that happens. I may add some kind of ‘admin note’ to cover that.
@Faraday Thank you. I didn’t want to tag you in to what is otherwise a kinda scuzzy discussion, but I really appreciate the clarification.<3
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@Faraday Thank you for the clarity! I knew of one instance, but I did suspect that it wasn’t something regularly occurring.