KDraygo's Playlist
- SW1 - Howie Darklighter, Kell Draygo (Brief return at a much later date)
- SW Minos Clusters - Howie Darklighter
- SW Erebus Expanse - Forgot the bit name.
- SW Clone Wars - Howie Darklighter
- SW Brak Sector - Forgot the bit name.
- SW: A New Threat - Forgot the bit name.
- WC: Gemini Sector - Kell
- Serenity MUSH - Kell
- Steel & Stone - Kell and Erik
- BSG: Orion - Agrippa
- Game of Kings - Eldrick Lohstren (First one, before things went crazy)
- Fifth World - Erik
- Eternal Crusade - Elrick
- Creation’s Edge - Elrick
- Tales of the Round - Elrick, Steffan
- SW: Fires of Hope - Kell
- BSG: Unification - Kell, Aleksander
- Fifth Kingdom - Steffan
- Horror MU - Defender
- The Savage Skies - Keisuke
- Arx - Gaston
- The Network - Yongbin
- Concordia - Hanlin
You live!
@Doozer It’s been a while, shaking the rust off. I did miss it though!
Hey, you. It’s Twyla’s old player (among a few other games we had in common). Nice to know you’re still around.
@KDraygo Hey hey, I just played with you this past week.
I just want to put it out there that if you want to active your inactive on Arx — you are on my watch list. Just saying (I’m keeping the tiara though).
Giving Concordia a try, hopefully RL doesn’t gobble me up too soon.