dvoraen's disclosures
I don’t feel like copy-pasting from MSB, so I’m just going to go into recent history as I can remember it, with a few special mentions.
UPDATED - Feb 11, 2024
- Concordia - Alistair (& Ser Silvertail)
- Luminiferous Aether - Anthony
- Various Wheel of Time MU*s - Svoran*
- The Fifth World - Jor
- Crossroads - Svoran*, Jaeden
- Flight of the Golden Crane - Jaram
- Kushiel’s Debut - Piers
- Arx 1.0 - Bhandn
* Everywhere I transplanted Svoran (most of them WoT games), it was for character research. “How does he think and react to X situation?” In my personal writing, Svoran is the one character where I could not get into his headspace without character research. Plus, I could not figure out how grumpy he was on average, and to whom, why the fuss, etc. I think I’ve finally figured him out, but this was a 20+ year endeavor to iron him out into his current form in my writing.
MU*ing has been a godsend with figuring out character mindsets, to the point I stopped doing character research because my writing felt more mature as far as figuring out how to write people as people, if that makes sense? But for a while, I was playing some characters from my personal fiction of Aldera to try and figure them out. The irony of this is: THEY ALL CHANGED DRASTICALLY DESPITE THE RESEARCH. (Now, they’re nothing like the “researched” versions were.) Go figure.
@dvoraen Jor Schmor
I decided to hop on the bandwagon and update too, although no new chars. I also made my thread title alliterative because you can’t stop me, @Tez.