And now I have more than thirty seconds.

As Pyrephox said above, Keys is pretty casual-friendly. Most scenes run async or are pausable as the players agree on. There is ‘live’ roleplay, pick-up roleplay happening in the spur of the moment, but a lot of things are geared towards people with busy real lives, people with chronic illnesses, and people not in US timezones – or all three of the above.

We’re urban fantasy though not your ‘classic’ vampires, werewolves, and fae running around downtown. Everyone’s human now – but not everyone started out that way. We have been called the ultimate fanfic game by some and that’s honestly not quite wrong when you’re travelling in and out of infinite realities where everything is possible somewhere.

Anyhoot, feel free to come give us a peek if that sounds like something that might be worth your time. 🙂