I don’t speak Italian but probably doable!

RE: Neitherlands
@RedJellyBean Not the ones I know. And they left very politely, with the command to set them gone – not dead, gone – in the request. The first of them was briefly set gone and then set dead instead for some reason.
It’s exceedingly uncool IMO. As is turning someone’s abandoned in-process char into a roster, not to mention doing the same to someone’s retired char. With no permission asked in any of these cases.
Theft and pettiness are not at all good looks for someone asking to be in a position of power (even the minor power of game staff) over others.
RE: Really random Ares question
I’m another who often hearts scenes I’m in, because generally I really appreciated the other person/people’s time and writing. I heart plenty of scenes I’m not in that I enjoyed reading, too, when I have time/brain to randomly read scenes.
But I’m also another whose brain refuses not to make the ‘trending scenes’ post some kind of contest/judgement even if I know perfectly well it isn’t, so I tend to vote to turn it off when asked. One thing that bothers me a little about it beyond my personal issues, though, is that it’s kind of self-perpetuating – if you tell everyone ‘these 10 scenes are particularly worth reading’, more people will notice and read them, and more people are likely to heart them, so the number goes up even further… in other words, simply saying ‘these are popular scenes’ makes them even more popular than scenes that haven’t been actively and officially pointed out as ‘worth reading’.
RE: Learning to Code - A Sprite Break
Misread the title of this thread as ‘Learning to Code - A Spite Break’ and it seemed 100% appropriate. I have definitely needed many a spite break while learning to code.
RE: Heckler's veto
I mostly just keep wishing I could do Discord-style reactions instead of upvoting. >_>
RE: Bannings
There isn’t some sort of nodebb plugin that’d let people add pronouns somewhere handy, is there? Maybe to the little hover tooltip over avatars, or at least an entry in the profile form? Could be nice.
RE: Challenge: Post Your Worst Pose From Your Oldest Log
Damn you. This made me find the oldest random log I have, about a year before I started logging regularly…
Tyche sits on the half-wall, and sighs.
(Pacifica, July 27(!), 1999)There are many other poses that competed, but this won because no one else was there at the time.
RE: Bugs and Features
Any chance there’s some kind of plugin to prevent user avatars from animating unless hovered over? (Not ever would also be acceptable, but I love Discord’s hey-you-can-still-look-when-you-want solution.) I don’t really want to hide people’s avatars entirely on my screen, or to prevent people doing what brings them joy, but having things moving all over the place makes it really hard for me to read stuff.