Empathy fatigue.
RE: Metaplot: What and How
To me, story hooks and avenues to distribute information is so important.
My experience with metaplots is that a big mystery will open up, a bunch of players will put together a PRP to touch the plot, it will utterly bounce off, and then the plot will go underground with the player it was always meant for and I’ll never hear about the mystery again. Then a new mystery pops up, repeat ad nauseum.
You really need to be honest with players about how they can get involved and actually be open to them doing so. And if you rely on hearsay for information to get around, a lot of the time that simply won’t happen.
RE: Unspeakables: The Politics Thread 2024
That is all. I just had to get it out of my system.
RE: Staff and playable pcs
I think ideally they shouldn’t play because they will benefit from insider knowledge and bias, and will also form their own positive biases about characters their character becomes close to. But as multiple people have pointed out, that’s kind of an insane ask. Nobody wants to put in that kind of work for no reward.
In my opinion the next best thing is for staff characters to be totally anonymous. That way they can be just another guy in the background without getting mobbed by people looking to do a little bootlicking for brownie points. If their identity is known, they are constantly going to be thrust into the spotlight ahead of anyone else, and people will be afraid to oppose them.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
@Warma-Sheen I’m so sick of having to justify my stats. I shouldn’t have to write that my character was a career chef just to beg enough points to make toast. I’ve been told multiple times my character needs more experience for their build but I look at what I’m asking for and my character is in the range of “fucking useless”.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
@Jumpscare Descriptions are supposed to convey as much information as possible with as few words as possible.
ChatGPT fills as many words as possible with as little information as possible.
RE: Your Latest Batch of (Silly) Drama
“Do you think I should ban people for having conflicts with other characters and making indirect references to these conflicts? Do you think I should ban people from nicknaming other characters or police the nicknames they provide to other characters?”
Holy hell, talking down to someone doesn’t even begin to capture the hostility radiating off this admin. I feel like there’s a few possibilities available between “ban people for nicknames” and “do nothing”.
This could’ve easily been talked out. This is why people don’t talk to staffers unless it’s a last resort.
RE: Liberation Drama!?
Maybe this is just the context blindness of someone who isn’t on this game, but aren’t they talking past each other?
The initial complaint claims that leadership has effectively been in long term radio silence and the game has been “basically frozen”. The question is if the game is in hiatus and if there’s plans to bring it back.
But in the removal explanation they don’t seem to acknowledge this, rather pretending it was a complaint about “slowness” and implying that in fact there has been a lot of activity.
I don’t know which of these viewpoints is more accurate, but if the game is open and active wouldn’t it have been better to just say that?
“Hey! Despite [extenuating factors], we are actually not on hiatus. X, Y and I are running the game and here’s a list of plots you can get involved in right now!”
RE: MU Peeves Thread
Finding sane players for your descendants has got to be gaming on hard mode. I shudder to think about it.
RE: RL Peeves
I’m going to have a bit of a whine about how I always speak professionally to others in the workplace but a lot of people don’t extend the same courtesy to me. It’s not that they’re rude, more that they’re ambiguous, can’t spell, and trail off with that Boomer ellipsis that makes them sound perpetually annoyed.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
Where did their buttholes go? Is there a butthole thief?
RE: MU Peeves Thread
A super icky experience for me was finding out the reason a player was so eager to slide into my DMs was so they could pre-seed the OOC conversation with lies. Before ever being caught.
But when they did get caught, things got extra deranged. Like, straight up wholecloth invention of things that never happened in the story or in DMs.
RE: Unspeakables: The Politics Thread 2024
My current mood:
RE: Your Latest Batch of (Silly) Drama
This is so cruel. You can’t just tell us you have drama and then not deliver!
RE: Silent Heaven: Small-town Horror RPG
The game has been running for a while now and while new games tend to fizzle out and die I’d just like to give kudos to Silent Heaven for going strong and continuing to mature.
In particular I think the gamerunner has done a lot of work addressing and removing negative influences, and the community has never been such a welcoming and chill place to be.