@junipersky That’s awesome! I hope it goes well. We just passed the 5 year anniversary of adopting our kiddo from foster care, and that was after 3 1/2 years of dealing with the system. The best advice I ever got was to scan and save every single document you have to turn in anywhere, because 1) they will lose it so you’ll have to resend it, and 2) you’ll have to fill out the same form again in 6 months.
RE: Real life happy
RE: Silent Heaven: Small-town Horror RPG
@Juniper I recommend classic conspiracy theorist beliefs. Magic may not be real, but alien abduction sure is! Or the government putting implants in your brain, or whatever.
RE: Help with kitten names!
Characters from The Chronicles of Narnia? Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy, Mr. Tumnus, Caspian, Eustace, Shasta, Polly, Digory, etc. But clearly the best would be Reepicheep, because why not a kitten named after a talking mouse?
Characters from the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings seem pretty accessible too.
RE: RL Peeves
@GF I know I’m like a week late to replying to this, but my kid is a crazy fan of pumpkin spice. I’ve been putting a splash of pumpkin spice coffee creamer into his milk instead of chocolate syrup. That recipe with the spices and milk sounds amazing, but so often I need something that takes 5 seconds instead of 5-10 minutes.
RE: What's your tell?
I suspect my tell is I use too many commas. Like, they’re grammatically correct, but I use too damn many of them.
RE: What do you like in books?
I read lots of things, mostly fantasy and SF, but also poetry, literary fiction, trashy pop romances, history, non-fiction. I love a smart style and a voice that brings out an interesting character. The last couple years, I’ve been able to read nothing but comfort reads. I’ve given a lot of thought to what makes these comforting to me, and I think it’s some message of “No matter what the rest of the world says, you have a place here. This is your home.” A couple favorite series that I’ve found recently have been Victoria Goddard’s Greenwing & Dart, and Martha Wells’ Books of the Raksura. And then there’s Everina Maxewell’s Winter’s Orbit, a book I’ve read 5 times since last October, and I almost never reread anything. For comfort reads, I also recommend reading cook books. Just slowly wander through the stories, ingredients, and instructions, and really enjoy the pictures.
RE: Cornpopped's Kernels
@KarmaBum I know you too! I guess I shouldn’t mention all the time I stalked you on MSB thinking, “Oh, there’s T’zaim. They’re pretty cool. Too bad they don’t play Arx…”
RE: Cornpopped's Kernels
Ah ha, I thought eventually I’d run across someone from the old days. I was L’ren on SS, N’hn on VP. Our sibling rp was some of the best memories I have from those days. I’m not sure if we crossed paths on HT more recently (M’noq), but I often miss your Godric on Arx (Faye).
RE: Cat Art! I know, I know ...
This is felt like a rough week. So here’s the pic I asked @crawfish to do, because it makes me smile.
RE: Very off topic: Sesame Street Characters - which do you remember the most fondly?
The Count, for sure. My sister and I still have a thing when we’re putting together a puzzle (or playing dominos or whatever) where one of us will put in a piece and go, “One! One beautiful piece! Ah ah ah!”