@Pavel I never played on Firan but I’ve heard so many of the jaw-dropping stories from people who did at the time. There really should be a Firan thread. That lore should live on for gawkers of the future. War stories.

RE: MU Peeves Thread
RE: General Video Game Thread
@Arkandel I had a lot of fun with Path of Exile, even with the complexities of it. It felt to me like what D3 would have been if Blizzard had doubled down on the everything of D2.
I also had a lot of fun with Lost Ark too but fell off after like 160 hours or so. I think I only had half of the continents discovered by that point. A lot of content, for sure.
RE: RL Peeves
A lot of artists make it their living by way of Twitter and are currently panicking about losing their livelihoods, so it can definitely fall under peeves!
That is CLEARLY just a leaf, @Snackness.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
You can drink, you can pull, you can chug, slug, guzzle or glug, you can take that shot and tip it back or kill it dead or nurse it if you’re not the murdering type. You can sip it or take counsel with it or steal a second to wet the ol’ whistle, tank up on it or put it down, cozy up to the rim of your glass or just plain have a quick swallow.
Source: I’ve played a lot of alcoholics.
@Kestrel Gin Wigmore performing Kill of the Night is just
, she is great.
RE: Incentivizing Specialization
@Pyrephox That Paladin just wanted to Lay Hands on some art*, okay! Every heist groups needs a… err… platemail wearer…
*or whatever they were stealing!
RE: World of Darkness: The Weird Little Monster We Love and Hate
On my first WoD game, my first PC ended up getting the Fomori treatment and I distinctly remember reading the Savage Genitalia merit with quiet concern after getting a scan of the Black Dog book. Those books were wild!
RE: An Arx Peeve Thread
Yeah @Aria but what are we gonna release when the Horned God is mauled and we gotta deal with the Clawed God?
I guess at least it’d sleep for 16 hours a day but.
9 lives
Am I the only one worried about why the deer had hands. Braum knew some shit was up.
RE: Real life happy
@Tez I shouted OWLBEAR DON’T CARE at the screen when it went wild!
That trailer got me PUMPED.
RE: Real life happy
I don’t know if this goes here, if not you can put me in the dungeon.
Did they make a good D&D movie?? They are least made a good D&D trailer!
RE: Session Zero & M*s
@mietze When I first got into WoD games you couldn’t hit a grid without a multi-page background/application that showed you understood every little detail of your splat and how they interacted and oh, you have this merit? Pls explain at length.
I kept that policy when I ran my first WoD game because it was what I knew, but it didn’t take me long to realize that it wasn’t working from an admin perspective. I think what I found was that when people put so much work into an app they were less likely to bounce from the game when it became evident it wasn’t a good fit for them, if that makes sense? They were committed! They put in the work! When I loosened up application standards, I felt like we had a lot fewer problems between players even though there were more players.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@Tez I am a total sucker for survival games because I love to build houses, lol.
RE: General Video Game Thread
Ark 2 is coming out in… October?? I will disappear off the face of the earth when it happens to breed a dynasty of Argentavis named after pantheons of gods.
Lately though, I’ve been playing Path of Exile, V Rising, Mythgard (Digital card game with gorgeous artwork and a fun setting) and recently put down Grounded which was an amazingly fun Honey I Shrunk the Kids style survival game.
RE: Bannings
I am seriously going to stop poking at this but I’m on vacation right now so here’s the illustrated guide to the remaining “community” on Derp’s echo chamber. An X means they either haven’t posted since the dust-up or just posted their “peace out” message and left.
Out of the top-24 most liked - not most prolific, but most agreed with posters - only five remain who weren’t banned at some point. And four of them are either current or former board admin.
Do with that info what you will. To me, it lays bare the fact that this was never about the health of the community.
Same energy.
RE: Is friendship bad?
@Solstice said in Is friendship bad?:
The real treasure was the coin I wasn’t auto-splitting with the group and no one noticed.
This hits home so hard for me as someone who spent 20 years on MUDs.
RE: RL Peeves
@GF A good spaghetti sauce doesn’t /need/ sausage, but when my dishes go wrong the first culprits I usually shakedown are salt and fat, whether too much or not enough. These form the basis for a lot of how flavors are brought out in food. If it isn’t those, I start eyeballing how hot and for how long I’ve cooked it.
I would recommend separating a small portion into a cup and blending in a little baking soda to see if it can neutralize some of the sourness, if that doesn’t work, sometimes just a touch of sweetness can do the same thing if the sodium content is already where it needs to be.
RE: The Inherent Heresy of the Cubrule
Tillamook salted, sprinkled gently and bright like a briefly passing sunshower.