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Blocking Players
@Faraday Very cool. I’m not super familiar with the inner workings of Ares, but that is good to know. Most of my experience comes from the traditional telnet based MUs.
Apologies if this has been answered, but would this be game-specific ignoring/blocking, or would it also apply to Ares handles?
@chorus Character-specific.
@MisterBoring Even on telnet-based games, there’s always been a tension between reporting capability and player expectations for privacy. It’s long been considered inappropriate for staff to enable logging of all commands, or to lurk in rooms watching private RP. Most platforms don’t provide a way to review pages.
With Ares, I’ve just taken a more explicit stance in the privacy statement that there are no core server commands to do these kinds of things. I can’t stop a staff from making their own, but they are not built-in. Instead, players can send the evidence to staff via the reporting features. It really hasn’t hampered staff’s ability to investigate things - it has enhanced it.
I don’t know if there’s an equivalent on both client and the portal, but to me, the channel mute situation is something I typically handle client-side with a trigger that simply does not trigger an activity alert. This is a “best of both worlds” scenario to me, because I’m not checking the window and finding “oh, it’s just Bigmouth Joe for the 18th time”, but I can follow the conversation if someone I care about is engaging.If people genuinely never want to see a word Bigmouth Joe ever says for the rest of time, I guess that’s fair, but the annoyance to me has always been “oh ACTIVITY- …and it’s Bigmouth Joe.” I can skim over that when I find it, it’s the checking that makes me insane.
@Trashcan said in Blocking Players:
If people genuinely never want to see a word Bigmouth Joe ever says for the rest of time, I guess that’s fair,
That was the requested feature, yes. I understand that someone may only want to suppress notifications rather than block completely, but I think differentiating those would entail too much complexity on both the player/command side and the code side.