Farthest Frontier
This is a survival simulation game where you start with a group of villagers and try to build a thriving settlement. It has a number of subsystems for managing the affairs of your village, including food spoilage, home desirability*, raiders, villager diet, crop rotations for your fields, resource production, seasonal changes (certain items grow in certain times), and more I’m forgetting.
I enjoy it. It’s a puzzle to be solved, figuring out how much food and firewood you need to produce to survive the winter months, when to not plant your fields, where to put your industrial/undesirable buildings (villagers don’t want the compost yard or saw mill near their houses, for example), and all this you have to balance with protecting your settlement from external threats. I lost all my gold to raiders because I did not protect my village at all, because it costs money to maintain guards and my income is crap (another system you have to juggle).
It’s $30 USD on Steam and Early Access, but I dare say this is one of the most feature complete games that has entered Early Access. It has some hiccups where the game will freeze for a few seconds (background thread taking over, perhaps?) but the gameplay is very much there and it’s not sparse. I feel like I’m getting my money’s worth, despite the hefty early access price tag.
* If your buildings upgrade and don’t remain desirable, your villagers will abandon them and would rather be homeless during winter rather than live in a house. lol
And for the Arx people that see this, I leave you with this picture of our Dominus making sure he can wash his hair:
@dvoraen Been debating on buying that. Can’t wait for pay day now!