@shit-piss-love Yeah, @helvetica and @bear_necessities are pretty retarded. Thanks for the support.

RE: On the utility of Logs, Receipts, and Proof
RE: On the utility of Logs, Receipts, and Proof
@bear_necessities I’d settle for a coherent response but that might be too much to ask from you.
RE: On the utility of Logs, Receipts, and Proof
I haven’t seen much by way of sexual harassment in the grab-ass sex pest way that’s discussed primarily in this thread. But I have seen it in the form of guys getting mad at a female player over a catty remark over a public channel and calling her a who-ahh or whatever in response. In those cases I just tell them both to chill out, and will remove either, or both, if they fail to.
But I’m pretty sure I’m good about filtering sex pests because I have some female players in my circle and they’ve been consistent for years. They’re good girls, too. If anybody made them unhappy I’d fix it.