@Jax said in Games we want, but will almost certainly never have:
Battletech Lords and Ladies is as important as the mechs. Probably more so.
But mercenaries!
@Jax said in Games we want, but will almost certainly never have:
Battletech Lords and Ladies is as important as the mechs. Probably more so.
But mercenaries!
@SpilledBeanz said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
I don’t think you deserve anything to happen to you because you decided to check on a game that has bad publicity, and if you continue to play on AoA I, for one, wish you fun stories.
No worries. I only posted about it again because once more it was said, “Well! You can go try it for yourself, but…” And I’m still like, “Well, I mean, I did. Still no issues.” Still not trying to trivialize other peoples’ experiences, just updating about my own, like a cave explorer.
@Warlander said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
Though I will say that anybody who reads any part of this thread and says, “Ooooh! I wonder if it really is that bad? I think I will play this game and find out!”, and follows through on that statement, is an idiot of the first order (pardon the pun) and deserves whatever awfulness happens to them. It could be compared to jumping into the Amazon River just to see if there really are piranha in the river.
I mean… I did? And while I am an idiot of the first order, I haven’t seen like…anything that you’re talking about? I play a very flirty character who is very rarely interested in following through, and no one has pestered me? And I straight up asked about the Harassment Policy thing, and no less than three admins messaged me asking if I was having any issues they could help with. One even went so far as to say, "I understand that this game has that reputation, but it’s not like that anymore, and won’t be as long as I am here.’
As for the Empire snatching up worlds, that’s more the luck of the dice, and I felt awful when we routed them from Mygeeto. (I’m Roan, hi!) We’re currently trying to invade Hapan and wow are we getting our faces beat in. We lost like…half of our fighters or something? With no way to resupply. And it’s just how the dice fall in space combat.
That said, when this all started, the Empire was outnumbered 5 to 1 in naval personnel, and I don’t think it’s shifted that far since? The Rebels seem to commit to these big, involved plans that require lots of scenes and I’m just wondering why a few easy targets aren’t snatched up first. Get some green on that map! I only apped Empire because it was super dead at the time. Get out there and rebuild that Republic!
(edit for spelling)
@Trashcan said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
We left because players who had behaved in unconscionable ways were promoted rather than disciplined. These same players remain on staff. You may not care what kind of people they were to other people or at another time, but there are certain activities that, change of heart or not, I’m simply not ever willing to be around those who have done them or who tolerate them. It’s hard to say which is worse, but at AoA you don’t have to decide; you get both.
Of course we discussed these concerns with Cujo. I spoke with Cujo a few times a week for over five years. Zephyr spoke with him every day. We tried appealing to a sense of decency over this particular decision and were rebuffed. That’s why we left. We wanted to see some justice. We wanted protection from an abuser. We didn’t get it, so we had to leave.
There is a lot of unrelated salt in this thread, that is true, but this post was not put up out of a sense of revenge but sadness and concern. I am still sad, three years gone, about the outcome of those conversations, and I am still concerned for players who, like me at the time, did not know that the environment was unsafe. Please watch carefully for yours and your friends’ safety; staff won’t be.
Yeah. You’re right. I guess I just want to be optimistic. And, as mentioned above, if I see that kind of behavior, I’ll be right back over here declaring that I was wrong. Sorry to dredge up bad memories, I was just reacting to the poo-pooing of the new galactic conquest system. I didn’t mean to chuck people’s feelings out the window, so sorry for that.
@Zephyr Thanks for the heads up. I’ll be sure to post here if stuff goes sour, or if my friends report stuff being sour. I’m not going to sit around on that nonsense.
@Jax I don’t think Banshee, Hadrix, or Aryn were involved in the admiral character thing. Heck, Aryn supported me, and has been making an effort to include me in stuff with the Force Using Sith. She also seems excited about the Rebellion taking a stand and starting to recover worlds. But, as above, I’ll update if things seem to be going negative.
My trumpet is a tool of justice, not to be used in anger, not for vengeance! And, well, this is still my trumpet, so we can’t cue any cool Metal Gear Rising music just yet. But I just wanted to report that things seem pretty good right now, and you never know! People can change! Just hoping for the best right now.
And be sure to hit me up on game if you ever wanna talk or just check the place out again.
It’s not a bug, but the very, very slight color difference between quotes and posts makes my eyes hurt when there are several on screen at once. Is there a way to change that?
@Warlander said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
And as for me ‘crapping all over it’, ‘being a giant dick about it’, ‘such a sourpuss about this’, ‘salty’, etc., etc., etc… reread my posts on this subject. Compare it to other posts here, including your own. I have my moments of anger and bitterness, as does everyone, and I’m choosing to believe that this is one of yours, because, contrary to what you may be thinking, I respect players and staff, yourself included, until they give me a very good reason not to.
I just didn’t read it that way, and it seemed really negative toward something that is just trying to help (and being pretty effective!) I think one of the major disconnects is that people here expected a cut-throat, finely honed PvP engine, when those of us using it just like to swing big ships at each other and shout silly insults when we lose. The jank is part of the fun for now. It’ll get beaten into shape with more testing.
@Warlander said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
Cujo and Company failed that test long ago
So, this is part of why I feel like old salt is interfering with giving stuff a chance. I’ve been on the game for a while now, and I’ve not experienced…hardly anything listed here. And while I play flirty characters, I’m rarely in the mood for taking anything further. And no one has creeped on me, which is actually really refreshing.
@Warlander said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
(especially if it includes seeing the Sith Empire pushed into the position the Resistance occupies right now, a situation that I would consider proof positive that Aryn and her ilk aren’t just letting everyone think they’re accomplishing something while nothing meaningful actually changes)
This is actually my hope. I’m not going to sabotage the Empire’s efforts, but the Rebellion outnumbers us by a huge margin and I’d love for them to kick our butts overall. That’s the Star Wars way! I’d honestly like to also see a huge uptick in Jedi running around. Sith can be anywhere, but the Jedi are always hiding under rocks right now.
@Hobbie I appreciate the very grounded approach to how you worded this! Just a couple things, though:
@Hobbie said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
Then the resultant hostility from Cujo will follow, because now he has been slighted by the ungrateful players that don’t want to use what he worked so hard to create.
Have you actually talked to him about any of this? Like, directly? Casually?
@Hobbie said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
The fact that you needed staff fiat to start in a position where you can actually play with this new system (which is otherwise locked only to dinosaurs) is both common and unfortunate.
The Naval Captain thing is open to anyone! No XP, Noms, or what-have-you required! You can also make a General or Wing Commander if you like! Just wanted to make sure people didn’t have that impression about it.
@Warlander So, hi. I play Nika/Roan and I’m the reason the wargame stuff happened. I didn’t design any of it, and Cujo told me he had this rattling around in his head for years but couldn’t make it work. But he decided to try it out anyway, and people got really excited about it. So why are you crapping all over it?
To unpack all that, I apped an Admiral character so Imperial Navy people could have someone to come chat at, and Rebels could have a new enemy to lazily RP at. The game was pretty quiet and I just wanted to stir stuff up a little. Like, super low effort. The character got approved, and I was going to be plunked onto the flagship since the position was largely going to be ceremonial.
Someone disapproved of someone coming in without starting from the bottom of the ladder, and I was flabbergasted that they would care since the org had very little activity. I was cool with just binning the character since I wasn’t there for cool leadership stuff and just wanted to shake out some RP. But staff put forward the Navy Captains initiative that you saw above. Just a super-raw framework to be ironed out, and we’ve been doing playtesting on it, on and off.
And for the last part, thanks for being a giant dick about it, because that’s definitely going to inspire any positive change. I’m super thrilled that activity had skyrocketed and people are gearing up for a giant offensive to finally take back the galaxy. The rebels are having fun. The imperials are having fun. Aryn has been huge in fostering RP for the conflict, and us captains have been having a blast with tongue-in-cheek rivalries and for-fun shit talking.
So why are you such a sourpuss about this? Okay, you had bad experiences a long-ass time ago. Can’t you let anything new happen without blowing a trumpet asking other people to be outraged with you? Like, damn, come check it out for yourself if you like. I play Roan and Nika! Hit me up if you want to talk. But don’t just start wrapping the whole thing in shit because you are salty.
@somasatori I just had my first Jill encounter over on Age of Alliances! I was so excited! Paged me right out of the blue.
Guest (G1) pages: I think my most awkward RL experience was getting check ups from a doctor in my high school as part of the tryout for joining sports
You paged Guest with ‘Jill! Hello!’
You paged Guest with ‘I wondered if it was you!’
Guest (G1) pages: oh hey. sorry, I didnt remember talking with you
You paged Guest with ‘We haven’t! This is the first time.’
Sadly she vanished right after that. It was like encountering a cryptid in the wild.