RE: Good things in Mushing
When you open a random scene with an absurd premise, and everyone who ends up joining is 100% on the same page and fully committed to ‘yes, and’-ing to compound the absurdity, resulting in multiple actual laugh out loud moments.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
There’s always more nuance than can be expressed in a peeve thread, but I think there’s quite a big difference between someone asking for RP and being willing to hash out a quick and dirty “what are we rping about” where both people are offering up some ideas (and which alt coming might be in the discussion), or even someone saying, “Hey, I would love some RP with you but I really don’t have have any ideas today, does anything come to your mind,” or asking me if I mind setting, and someone who asks for RP and then puts the onus of choosing every single thing about a scene on the other person. The former two are great, and I never mind setting a scene. The latter can quickly become frustrating.
Asking for RP can be really difficult. I also get brain blocks and feel anxiety about putting myself out there into the void. I’ve been on games where I’ve never once gotten a response when I’ve requested on the RP request channel, which of course isn’t unique to me, but it’s always tough and never feels great. But it’s also tough to be asked for RP and then have to come up with everything myself including who the other person is bringing, especially if it’s happening a lot.
RE: As a PLAYER, how many fellow players would be ideal in a shared game?
@Yam You’re just acknowledging that if a game has more than 30 but fewer than 45 players, it’s automatically doomed. I think that tracks.
RE: Wyrdhold Discusion
@Serafine Re: number two, your questions could probably be answered by extremely uncomfortable poses in logs that are publicly available.
RE: RP Comedy
So many funny moments, but a very non-exhaustive list:
@tsar more than one ridiculous bowling alley scene on multiple games, how do we always end up in bowling alleys??
@bear_necessities agree re: the fridge (also @KarmaBum)
@Pyrephox for the best/worst/best non-date date, complete with star-studded cake
@sao with the most amazing dialogue I’ve ever seen in a barfight
@Yam my pc trying to diffuse a situation and yam pc coming in with “YEAH AND YOU’RE UGLY TOO”
@Roz’s excellent poking of all my stoics
@Tat I remember a scene on SL where we got very drunk and ended up in a lake (predictably @tsar also there being hilarious)OH YEAH AND @Rathenhope stealing a candy jar from a bank instead of money
RE: MU Peeves Thread
This hasn’t even happened to me in at least a year, probably more, yet when I think about it happening it still makes me unreasonably annoyed.
When you come into a scene that’s already going on and don’t wait for anyone to pose any kind of set, you just pose in lalala whatever with no regard for anything you might be walking into. One day that’s going to happen to me, and I’m going to pose back that the entire bar is flooded yet somehow the barstool you just sat on is also on fire. Because HOW HARD IS IT TO WAIT FOR A TINY FUCKING SETPOSE FOR GOD’S SAKE TURNS OUT THINGS ARE ALREADY HAPPENING IN HERE THAT AREN’T YOU.
RE: People Doing Things
@Pyrephox Awwww what a nice thing to read about myself
You are also A+ excellent. Also @KarmaBum YOU TOO I SAW YOU
This forum is pretty much a who’s who of everyone I’ve ever liked in MUSHing. Thank you to everyone for being awesome.