Hey, True Believers!

Excelsior! is a roster-only game hosted on AresMUSH using the setting and characters of Marvel comics. If you like story-driven RP and a chill and dynamic environment, you should come check us out. We have plenty of events and plots brewing and cater to people who like live RP, but also those with families and responsibilities who prefer to engage in async or distracted RP. Recently, we’ve returned a slew of heroes to our roster, and there’s almost three dozen slated to be added throughout the course of this year. That said…

It was a big end-of-the-year for Excelsior!

The Mutant Registration Act got put into effect and caused the X-Men and the rest of the U.S. mutant population to go into hiding (in foreign lands, underground, and even in space), as the Commission of Superhuman Affairs, led by Henry Peter Gyrich managed to put Trask Industries’ sentinels into full public service.

Meanwhile, the Silver Surfer arrived to herald the approach of his master, Galactus, and Emma Frost was claimed by the cosmic power of the Phoenix Force, incubating it until it could grow and rebirth itself. The superheroes of Earth rallied themselves and with the help of a remorseful Silver Surfer, managed to battle the forces of the World-Devourer’s other heralds – Terrax, Air-Walker, and Firelord – to a standstill, until the Phoenix was born anew, and able to push Galactus away, though not without a price: the Phoenix warned the heroes that the consequences of its intervention would be Earth’s to deal with on its own.

While the Defenders continue to battle the Hand and organized crime, and the mystic encroaching of Otherworld and other magical realms into the mortal world becomes ever increasingly a problem for magic users and Excalibur, a rise in vampirism in New York City as well as other supernatural horrors has led to the forming of the Midnight Mission. Independent superheroes continue to do their best to keep the city and the world safe.

With the MRA struck down by SCOTUS and decreed current use of Sentinels as unconstitutionally dangerous for civilians (humans and mutants alike) thanks to the morally-gray psychic intervention of Charles Xavier, the X-Men have split: on the one hand, the school; on the other, the paraterraformed Asteroid M, soon to be rechristened Akorak, offspring of the mutant island of Krakoa, where James Bradley – Doctor Nemesis – and Douglas Ramsey – Cypher – continue to study and attempt to understand the massive mutant landmass. X-Force has been created to deal with problems that require quiet violence, while X-Factor has been deployed as a mutant community outreach organization in New York City, ready to help mutants outside of the immediate circle of X.

Simon Williams’ tragic death a year ago is surprisingly not… entirely so. With ULTRON gaining sentience and turning on the Avengers, it’s Simon that comes out of the woodwork, reconstituting his body out of the ionic energy that supposedly destroyed him thanks to his brother’s machinations.

There’s plenty of dangers left in the world: the island nation of Genosha continues to seem like a safe haven for mutants; the Fantastic Four find themselves needing to reopen the portal to the Negative Zone to save Susan Storm-Richards’ pregnancy; and lurking in the shadows are infamous and heinous figures that have yet to rear their ugly heads into our world.

Nevermind those big alien empires across the galaxy that have suddenly taken notice of the one world in the last million years that repelled Galactus…

So come check us out.
