I’ve heard that he probably drove pLucene off the game, so if anyone knows them, maybe reach out with the info that pRoyal’s gone? It’d suck if they were driven away forever.

RE: City of Glass - Discussion
RE: The Arx Secrets Thread
@Roz said in The Arx Secrets Thread:
@Rinel said in The Arx Secrets Thread:
Was Azazel always capable of Devouring things as powerful as gods and their reflections, or did he get supercharged by it?
No, he started very smol. He got bigger by eating so many secrets over so many years, until he was big enough to start eating really powerful beings. And the more he ate, the more powerful he became.
RE: The Arx Secrets Thread
Volcica’s secret is that she is gasp a Deathspeaker! But she’s also a shaman, and that combo is v rare. Turns out she’s descended from the first Deathspeakers, way back in the Dance of Skulls. I never got around to looking into past lives, but she did end up as a Voice of Death and got to form a soulbond with Bat, the primordia, sooo. All in all? Pretty rad!
Auda was a half-Rex’alfar. Her parents dumped her at the Tragedy instead of killing her like they were ordered. Her mother was a knight of Solace and a White Steward, so that’s cool! Sapphire-as-Ruby saw her half-blood, and writ her into the Triarchy, and the rest is history! She also managed to become the Black Rose, and also the head of the Apothecary college, and also high up in the Shadow Court, all as ways to honor Ruby/Sapphire/Veil and Emerald/Blight. Her death was also pretty Knave, so that’s cool.
I dabbled on a few rosters when I took a few breaks from those OCs, but nothing really stuck other than Mailys for a while, pre-‘all of corsetina is smiling shadows’ era.
RE: Thoughts on pre-planned Time Jumps to Retire Characters and Play Their Descendants
@helvetica said in Thoughts on pre-planned Time Jumps to Retire Characters and Play Their Descendants:
@devu said in Thoughts on pre-planned Time Jumps to Retire Characters and Play Their Descendants:
I love this so fkn much. It is so cool to see one generation effect the world (solve a major problem/big bad/disaster/whatever) and then skip forward to play in the fallout. I was on one IRC game that did this, and it was so neat. Sometimes the skips would be 4-5 years, sometimes 10+.
It’s a lot of work, but Arx’s rapid fire crises-to-the-end is honestly pretty satisfying, and it could definitely make sure everyone’s satisfied before a timeskip. Wayyy smaller scale, though. What Arx is doing is not sustainable. ‘please +req up to two (2) things you would like to see resolved across any/all characters before/during the timeskip’. Something like that.
I was thinking about that, too. And about like, okay… did this player not finish their character’s life work before the skip? Would I, as their child, feel the need to finish that work somehow? That could be cool, provided the former player isn’t too disappointed if something like that were to occur.
Hell yeah, unfinished business could be an AMAZING plot hook/backstory! Not everything needs to be tied in a neat bow, and some things are better left unfinished? But sometimes there’s also one or two things you really want to see through on a character, and it’d be nice to find a way to accomodate that while still keeping to a reasonable workload for staff, and not just… dragging things out so a handful of people can finish up?
RE: Thoughts on pre-planned Time Jumps to Retire Characters and Play Their Descendants
I love this so fkn much. It is so cool to see one generation effect the world (solve a major problem/big bad/disaster/whatever) and then skip forward to play in the fallout. I was on one IRC game that did this, and it was so neat. Sometimes the skips would be 4-5 years, sometimes 10+.
I think it works especially well in a Mu* situation, with requests and whatnot, since you CAN give advance notice of a skip, and maybe let your players +req one or two things they’d love to see resolved, or set in motion for the future. …Personal things, I mean, since most Family/House/Metaplot things will be taken care of.
It’s a lot of work, but Arx’s rapid fire crises-to-the-end is honestly pretty satisfying, and it could definitely make sure everyone’s satisfied before a timeskip. Wayyy smaller scale, though. What Arx is doing is not sustainable. ‘please +req up to two (2) things you would like to see resolved across any/all characters before/during the timeskip’. Something like that.
RE: Games we want, but will almost certainly never have
@Pavel I spent a few years on a mass effect IRC game, sooo…
RE: An Arx Peeve Thread
@junipersky sounds like something an evil duck would say.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
Me, with mushes. I want to. I don’t mean to… not. But.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
@Tez said in MU Peeves Thread:
@bear_necessities I’ve had that moment like three times myself, personally. I feel you.
9 times in the last two hours?
RE: Neitherlands
@YetiBeard what, like this approved character who was renamed, altered and turned into a roster?
(Not my character, but this is… so confusing. Literally more work than just making a new roster bit.)
(edited to add spoiler tags 'cause the image is huge)
RE: MU* Wishlists
@Yam said in MU* Wishlists:
@Livia Lol yes, please. Modern Chronicles of Darkness, and some extra nudging where people get some kind of in-the-know token so not every scene outside your sphere involves tedious tiptoeing around secrets in a collaborative storytelling environment.
RE: Good things in Mushing
@Panic fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
RE: Good things in Mushing
@Panic said in Good things in Mushing:
Last night highlighted this when I asked her to play a mole person, and she immediately jumped in.
where can I play a mole person