Pax Republica March 2024 Update
NEW REWORK POLICY - Having trouble deciding which direction to go with your character? Or maybe you’ve found yourself wishing you’d chosen different skills. No worries, you can make changes after approval if you change your mind! One free rework is available for all characters, plus additional reworks at the cost of 25XP.
NEW ARCHETYPES - Three new archetypes are now available:
Entrepreneur - An entrepreneur has taken a bold step into the business world by striking out on their own. They are usually the type who enjoy the challenge of high risk, high reward situations and the thrill that comes with great success against overwhelming odds. Running your own business typically requires one to wear many different hats, and have good management skills.
Scavenger - One man’s trash is another’s treasure. Scavengers are experts at going through others’ refuse and salvaging up anything that might still have value, sometimes even fixing up equipment that might need some love to get it operational. Not exactly the most glamorous job, but can turn a pretty good profit, especially in the less hospitable corners of the galaxy.
Senator - Senators are individuals who represent the many planets of the galaxy in the Senate of the Galactic Republic. They are excellent negotiators and are often smooth talkers. Being a Senator usually means having excellent ability in navigating and understanding of the world of politics, as well as some degree of leadership and knowledge of history and culture.
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